So this fine sunday afternoon is being spent at Starbucks with Leslie, Carolyn, and Dylan. All three have laptops open and are hard at work and I am just sitting here observing. As the barista called out "one mocha coconut frappacinno.."I retrieved my drink returned to my table and felt old. It pretty much sums up how I have been feeling since the beginning of STI. But I'm looking at these three lovely ladies and wonder where did the time go. As I sip on my sugar drink it reminds me of a samoas cookie, and all I can see is me going door to door selling girl scout cookies. The years of making sure I sold 75 boxes just to get the little silver figurine. The minor sense of accomplishment of adding another figurine to my collection has faded over the years as did my need to sell the delicious cookies. Now I see these little girls walk around selling with their little sheets with the same look in their eye. The look that says if I can sell cookies and can sell anything. As the visuals of cookies from the past finally faded I began to pull myself back into the table conversation. "Those boys at the dance recital last night were some of the best I have seen," Dylan said. Last night Dylan,Carolyn, Lora, Robyne, Meghan, and I attended the dance recital put on by the ladies who are teaching us dance every morning. As we watched girls perform to sparkling diamonds, which is the routine we are being taught for our showcase, Dylan and I began to secretly wish we were dancers. As the tappers in their sparkly costumes exited the stage they we shortly replaced by toddlers in tutus. As Dylan and I had a minor freak out moment by the amount of cuteness that had filled the stage all I could think of was being a groovy chicken. When I was in kindergarten and living in Yuma, Arizona I took dance classes and my first recital was a performance of the glass slipper, and as Cinderella came out to feed the animals there was a groovy chicken number, me and my fellow kindergartens in bright yellow feather costumes entered on stage. As Cinderella counted her chickens she noticed that one was not on stage. As she pulled me away from my place back stage into the lights of the stage it was the first time I had ever stepped foot on stage.

As I sat in jesse auditorium watching as these little girls danced I couldn't help but smile knowing that only 13 years ago that was me. I had to text my parents at intermission to thank them for taking me to dance classes. But what makes me feel really old is that exactly one week from today my baby sister will be graduating from high school. 17 years ago I became an older sister to two beautiful girls. I have had the best job in the whole world, watching them grow up. I've seen first steps first stumbles. First ER trip to fix up a cut on amandas head that I might or might not have caused. I was the lucky one to see every first school day, every good or bad grade. As the years have passed I got to watch as these little infants have changed into poised, confident, talented, intelligent young ladies. Next sunday Amanda will walk across the gym floor and accept her diploma, and although I will not be attending I hope she realizes that I am so proud of her. She is incredible and she has the power of making me feel really old. I miss her and love her so much. Congrats baby doll.

As I finish my stabucks drink and my friends have gone to accomplish other things I look at how one simple drink can take me back so far. I am a very lucky person, I have bEen able to fill my 19 years of life with memories and moments that make these flashbacks enjoyable. And although I may be old now I know if my future can be as exciting as my past has I am doing pretty darn good.
Thanks for reading a new video should be up soon
Love always
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